Sunday Mass Times
Saturday (Vigil) 6.00pm
Sunday 8.30am (NOTE: No morning mass on 20 October, please go to St Timothy's Forest Hill for 9:30am mass), 10.30am at St Timothy's Forest Hill, 17 Stevens Road Hill Vermont Vic 3133
Weekday Mass Times
Tuesday 5.00pm (followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Sacrament of Reconciliation (5:30pm tilll 6:10pm) followedby Vespers until 6.30pm)
Wednesday 9.30am (followed by the Rosary)
Thursday For the month of October 2024 there is NO 9:30am mass. You are welcome to join us instead for 9:15am at St Timothy's Forest Hill.
Friday 9.30am (followed by the Rosary)
Saturday 9.00am (followed by the Rosary)
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Tuesday 5:30-6:10pm
Saturday 9.30-10:30am & 5.00-5:20pm or by Appointment (please contact the Parish Office)